(A Seminar Paper presented at the 2024 Lagos Metropolitan Clergy Workshop held at Diocese of Lagos West (Anglican Communion), Archbishop Vining Memorial Church Cathedral, GRA, Ikeja, Lagos.)
By The Revd Olakitan Oluwole Ibikunle, B.Eng. (Unilorin), PDG (ACU), MA (ACU)
I thank God Almighty for the privilege given to me through the Dean of the Seminary, the Rt Revd. Dr. Babatunde Joseph Adeyemi and all the Proprietresses of the Seminary particularly, my Bishop and Chairman of Adetiloye Foundation, the Rt. Revd Dr. James Olusola Odedeji for the approval granted to deliver this seminar. I also appreciate the Seminary Faculty and the Chairman of the Planning Committee for the privilege.
Every Church leader wants people to come to the Church but in a society that was not raised on weekly church attendance, going to church is a foreign concept that may seem more like trouble than it is worth. So instead of spending resources to get people to come in, you may have more success when you go out – build relationships and demonstrate God’s love before you invite people into your Parish. The Scripture makes it clear that God wants us to preach the gospel to people around us. Our Lord Jesus Christ gave this command before His ascension in Mark 16:15-17 “And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;” The people that should hear of the gospel are referred to as “every creature” in the Lord’s command. They are on the streets. We then need to understand the fundamental meaning of Street.
What is a Street? According to Google Search dictionary meaning, a street is a public road, a city, town, or village, typically with houses and buildings on one or both sides[i]. It is a public way especially in a city, town, or village usually including sidewalk and being wider than an alley or lane. Oxford Dictionary says a street is a public road in a city or town that has houses and buildings on one side or both sides[ii]. It is a thoroughfare, usually paved, in a village, town or city, including a sidewalk or sidewalks. Every one of us grew up on the streets. We live on the streets. Our churches are on the streets. Members who worship in our churches live on the streets. The command to go into the world to preach the gospel therefore means we must go on the streets to preach the gospel. If our Parishes are to be filled with disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, we must be on the streets.
In my days growing up in Oko-Oba Agege Area of Lagos in Nigeria, our streets were where children were raised to become responsible adults. Going to church was a regular life for us. Walking to our schools was joyous. Today the reverse is the case as the streets are filled with many vices and unseemly sights.
Street evangelism or preaching, in a public area, has been a method used throughout the history of Christianity for the purpose of evangelizing people who would not typically enter a church. Street Evangelism is the act of sharing the knowledge of the New Covenant through Christ in public places with others applying wisdom and taking into consideration all cultural, social and legally acceptable practices[iii]. It involves taking the gospel where people reside or work in order to reach them with the gospel and to make them disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is approaching total strangers for the purpose of explaining the gospel to them and to win them for the Lord and to the Church. So, it could be challenging as well as intimidating, but it is also rewarding. There are people who are outside of the sphere of Christian influence, and unless they hear the gospel from a stranger, they are likely not to hear it at all. This kind of evangelism is exhilarating because you never know whom you are going to talk to. Could be a Catholic, a Muslim or a traditionalist. An agnostic, a self-righteous sinner, living on moralism, Gangsters with alcohol and cigarettes in their hands. This mystery makes street evangelism compelling and intimidating. Evangelism is a cornerstone of the Christian faith and can be a great way to connect with people and share your passion in a tactful, friendly manner.
In Nigeria, we do not need permission of the authority to meet people to share our faith deploying one-on-one approach or standing at one junction to preach the gospel. Our streets are becoming something else with all sorts of vices and there is reduction of membership in our churches. People are no more going to church. With my experience recently in street evangelism, more of the younger generations are tending towards cultism and hooliganism. Almost every street in Lagos and the surrounding cities are filled with sellers of alcoholic drinks in sachets and weeds wrapped in cigarettes.
In Anglican Communion, a Parish Church is not limited to the four walls of the Church. A Parish Church includes the whole city or town in which the Church is named after. For instance, Archdeacon Ogunbiyi Memorial Anglican Church, Ikeja. Take note of Ikeja. The city or town is made up of Streets according to our definition of a street above. A Parish Priest is to care for and curate the souls of everyone on the streets around the Church. Many of us are limited to the Church compound throughout our periods of stay in a particular Parish.
This seminar will be limited to New Testament of the Bible though there are references in the Old Testament about Street Evangelism. Psalm 96:3, 10 says “Declare his glory among the heathen, his wonders among all people. Say among the heathen that the LORD reigneth: the world also shall be established that it shall not be moved: he shall judge the people righteously.” The heathen were living among the Israelites on their Streets in villages, towns and cities. We have already defined Street Evangelism as sharing the New Covenant through Christ. We will consider this in two dimensions:
Jesus did what we refer to today as street preaching when He was on earth. He walked from town to town proclaiming the good news of the Kingdom of God. When He ascended to heaven, His disciples took over the street evangelism ministry. The early apostles walked from city to city proclaiming the good news.
The Gospel grew through street evangelism. To this day, street evangelism remains one of the most effective ways of winning souls.
Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. – Acts 2:47
And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.) – Acts 5:14
For he was a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith: and much people were added unto the Lord. – Acts 11:24
The church needs to be favoured by the Lord before all people. Prayer of favour must be prayed for our Churches. Favour of the Lord makes addition of people possible and easily without much stress. When a church is not increasing numerically as the Lord intended, the Church needs God’s favour. The Leader with the prayer team must pray for favour. A reknown man of God once said, “God is in a hurry to grow His Church. No Church is ordained to be small in the agenda of God.
There are two major purposes of the Street Evangelism according to the Scriptures above.
What a beautiful phrase! Yet how many of us have almost forgotten the expression “A passion for souls”. For years it was a tremendous force motivating God’s Children[iv]
Every Christian leader, whatever his official title or role should be characterized by a passion to lead others to Christ. We need to feel the love for people that drew Christ from heaven to earth, that fills His heart in heaven today. We need to feel the infinite longings of His heart as He looks out on the streets filled with the lost in their sins, their sorrows, and their spiritual helplessness. The passion for souls must come from the heart of Christ. From Him we must seek it until we find it.
“But when he saw the multitudes, he was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:36-38.
No Christian leader is actually one that our Lord wants him to be, unless day after day, the consuming desire of his heart is that people come to Christ. For this we must live, must long, must seek opportunities, must pray, and must believe. You have not drunk deeply of the Spirit of Christ if you do not share of His tears over the unsaved who are blindly hastening to an eternity forever separated from the love of God, the presence of Christ, and with all of change forever gone.
No alternative to the Holy Spirit is available for the Christian leader. He must have a heart ablaze with love to God and for people. Dr. George W. Peter said, “God, the Church, and the world are looking for men with burning hearts – hearts filled with love; filled with compassion for the ills of the church and the world; filled with passion for the glory of God, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the salvation of the lost. He adds, “God’s answer to the world of indifference, materialism, coldness, and mockery is burning Christian hearts in pulpits, in pews, in Sunday Schools, Bible institutes, and in Christian colleges and seminaries”[v]. If you as a leader in Church lack a burning heart, few of your people will be known for their burning hearts, and they will make little impact on the world around them. The communities are little impressed by our programs and friendly church, or even an evangelical church to impact a community for Christ. It must be a church ablaze, led by leaders who are ablaze for God.
How to receive This Passion
If you long to be a person of God with such a passion for souls that God begins to add a new dimension of fruitfulness to your leadership. Not everyone of us is called to be a Whitefield, a Billy Graham, or a Praying Hyde. But everyone of us is called to bear fruit – both the fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of souls. There is no greater love than to lead a person to a transforming experience of Christ. The more you taste this joy, the more you will want God to make you a soul-winner.
How to find this joy.
“He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.” – Psalm 23:2,3
Street Evangelism is aimed at adding souls to the Lord and the Lord adding them to the Church such as should be saved. The question is what does the church leader make available for the spiritual sustainability of the souls the Lord is adding to the church. The Church leader must be ready to labour in the word of God to prepare green pasture to feed the added souls in order to make them disciples. If such plan is not available, the Lord may not add them to the Church. If the purpose why you want them added to the Church is to make money in order to grow to increase the financial status of the Church, the Lord may not add them. This is called making merchandise of the Church of God. The primary aim must be to make them disciples of the Lord and in the process, the Church finance also will grow. Various discipleship classes must be in place before the church embarks on street evangelism.
“But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith.” –Acts 6:4, 7
When attention is given to prayer and the word such that the word increases to feed the new converts and the church with green pastures, the number of disciples will multiply tremendously.
The Lord intends to manifest His power and authority through you on the street through signs and wonders. Signs and wonders are essential parts of the gospel of Christ for the purpose of people believing the gospel. Mark 16:15-18, 20 says
“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover….. And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen”
Every time you go to preach on the street, you have committed the Lord to confirm His Word with signs and wonders following. The signs and wonders you have ever longed for to happen in your ministry will happen when you have compassion for souls and go to preach the gospel. The revelation of your redemption position in Christ Jesus will make one to function well in the capacity of the office. It takes a good understanding and insight through the Holy Spirit into the work of the Calvary to enjoy all the benefit of redemption. All that a Christian should be is packaged in the redemption. What makes one Christian to be different from another is the depth of revelation he has about his redemptive status in Christ[vi]. Jesus said in Luke 10:19, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you”. What Jesus says He has given you, that is what He has given you. You need this understanding to experience signs and wonders as you preach the gospel on the streets. Expect it to happen when opportunity comes to demonstrate the power of God in healing and deliverances.
Google Search, www.google.com.ng
Conforming to Jesus. www.conformingtojesus.com/what_is_biblical_street_evangelism.htm
Wesley L. Duewel. Ablaze for God. E.O. Overcomers and Co. Limited, pp 27,104.
Ibikunle O. Oluwole. Walking in Dominion. Oluwole Ibikunle Ministries Publisher, 2013 pp. 9,13
Nyongesa Augustine. “Street Evangelism Guild: Win Souls through Street Evangelism”. Nyongesa Augustine, 2022. Https:// www.augustinenyongesa.com/street-evangelis-guide/
Osborn T. L. Purpose of Pentescost. T.L. Osborn Evengelistic Association, Tusla, Okla, 1963
Wilipedia. “Azusa Street Revival”, 2023. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azusa_Street_Revival
Selywn Hughes. “Every Day With Jesus”. Waverly Abbey Resources, January 8, 2024.
In recent decades statistics show there has been a sharp decline in church attendance. Several possible explanations for this have been given, and one that strikes a chord with us is this: the Church has lost its prophetic edge due to lack of teaching on the nature of God’s holiness and the implications this has for our lives. Research shows this emphasis has been missing from the Church now for many years, having been replaced by the one-sided proclamation that God is loving – and nothing more than that. A report concluded that many who used to attend church are filled with apathy; they no longer see any point in attending because the message they have been given is that ‘God loves me regardless of whether or not I go to church or change my life’ – so why bother? It was also pointed out that the low standard of Christian living is a consequence of the Church community’s failure to defend the faith and teach biblical truth, especially that truth that God is holy and said, ‘ Be holy because I am holy’ (Lev 11:44). God is love but He is holy love. It is important for us to remember that even though we are not saved by our works, we are saved to do good works and to live in a way that honour Him.
There are various methods you could use. These few methods have been used and proven to work.
There is no specific formula on how to organise a street evangelism but these suggestions will help.
Anoint us for thy work
Arise and set us in motion
O Lord the man of war
And set out souls aflame
To burn and shine for thy cause,
Revive Your zeal in us.
Clothe us in holiness
Transform our thoughts and nature
Till we Your glory show
For souls in Satan’s train
With hook or net use us still
Make us fishers of men.
Will Thy heaven unlock
But prayer and faith and unity
Will bring the latter rain.
O Lord help us to pray
Travailing as in birth for souls
Till You revive the Church
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