L The Chapel is the centre of the Seminary life. Therefore, it is compulsory for all full students to attend chapel daily (in the Morning, Afternoon and Evening).
2. A Postulants can absent himself only after due clearance from the Chaplain.
3. Time of Worship applies to all who are resident. Any deviation requires Permission from the Dean.
4. Late coming will be viewed seriously.
5. The books for Worship are: (1) The Holy Bible (2) The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of Nigeria or any other approved by the Seminary and The Hymns shall be selected from Church Hymnals.
6. The Daily office has to be said at 6:00a.m. and 6.30p.m. Saints' Days are observed at 6.30p.m with the Holy Eucharist for full time postulants.
7. Bible Study takes place every Monday between 8.00 and 10.O0a.m
8. Every student shall make manifest efforts to grow in spirituality.