LAS General Information


(a)        The seminary year runs from Aug. to July. The year is divided into two

 Semesters, August to Dec. (Advent) and Jan. to July (Trinity)



Students are expected to pay tuition and other approved fees on acceptance of admission. These may change periodically and students are required to pay such rates promptly. It is necessary for every student to inquire from the Registrar's office or from the Bursar in the Accounts Department on current tuition & fees.





Every student in the seminary is assigned to a specific member of staff who  will act as his person tutor. If he has any problems with his work or his

 course, he should see his personal tutor at the earliest opportunity. It is intended that he should build up a personal relationship with his personal tutor who can be, at the very least, a useful source of advice should a problem crop up in the course of his studies in the seminary. The Tutorial Master may be called upon to provide references for a student or to speak on his behalf. So it is in the student's interest to maintain contact with his tutor.

Personal tutors are in close contact with the Registrar whom the student s should  consult if he encounters problems of a personal nature or other  difficulties. The Tutorial Group Meeting holds at the Personal Tutor's  instance once a week. Each group is to arrange its own meeting time outside lecture hours.

  1. STUDY SKILLS      
  1. From the start, a student should make a conscious effort to monitor the amount of time he spends in study each week, and try to establish a pattern of work which automatically includes private study period and the  preparations and prompt completion of weekly work. If, however, he feels

 that his work is suffering, whether through too much time being spent on  other activities or from physical or psychological problems,  he should take  steps at once to set the situation right. If he feels that he is running into  trouble, he should not hesitate to talk to the Deputy Registrar (Academics),

 the lecturer concerned and his personal tutor, who will help him get back  on course.


Apart from contact hours such as tutorials and seminars, lectures are a  major means of instruction. Together with broader reading, a student's  class and lecture notes will form the basis from which to master  in  a  particular subject. On no account should a student try to write down  everything he hears. Instead he should listen and assess, while noting  down the essentials of the arguments, the evidence for it, and possible counter-arguments. How notes are taken remains a very individual matter,

 but a  student should make sure (i) that his notes are legible. (ii) that he  gets down the main headings, as well as any major points which the  lecturer has stressed, which have arisen in group discussion,  or which  emerge from his reading. He should try to find time in a library or at home  to read through, check cross-references, or amplify on his notes as soon as  possible after a class, preferably on the same day. 


Where a seminar or tutorial is concerned with a specific text or texts it is very important that a student reads those texts before coming to class, and that he makes a start on relevant secondary critical materials. Some lectures and seminars, on the other hand, serve more as an introduction to general problems, but here also the better a student has the knowledge of the course as a whole, the more he will be able to participate in, and enjoy, a discussion of those problems.


Each student receives reading lists before the start of each course. The number of titles recommended reflects the necessity to list a sufficient choice of work to keep a number of students satisfied who would otherwise all be pursuing the same book. So, first a student must try to read some of the works recommended, but always with the firm intention of returning to the list and expanding his reading as soon as time and library availability permits. On no account must a student leave this kind of broader reading to the last moment before writing up course-work or to those weeks when the examinations are almost upon him.


It is essential that a student also keeps up-to-date with set work of all kinds and submission of course work for assessment. Learning is never a passive exercise, and true understanding is wholly dependent on a student becoming actively involved in his subject.

In this context, his active contribution to class discussions can become an important means of getting to grip with the subject. Finally, if a student is finding something hard to understand, he should never be afraid to ask his tutor or lecturer. It is more than likely that he will be asking not only for himself but for several others who are in similar difficulties but lack the confidence to say so.


A student should make sure he sets aside sufficient time during the week for studying on his own. His work in the Library,  done with the books to hand on the shelves, is no less important than attendance in class and reading at home. He should take every opportunity to work in the Library between or after classes.


A study-skill seminar is organized for students during orientation week. Students are advised to take advantage of it.

iii.        MEDICAL CARE

 If a full time student is unable to attend classes because of an illness he is advised to see the appointed College Medical Adviser. The Cathedral Clinic is also open to students. Please make a good use of it.


This is the main source of information and a student should make a point of checking it daily and acting promptly on information which concerns him. The notice board is very close to the classrooms. It should be checked regularly.


The full time students organize these at their own leisure hours.


Ministerial training at LAS is both residential & non-residential. Accommodation is provided for residential students.


  1. A postulant can go out of the premises only after obtaining clearance from the Dean or registrar through his tutorial master and the Chaplain.
  2. The Clearance shall be through an exert duly signed.
  3. No one should stay out overnight without due approval from the Dean.
  4. All Postulants are advised to curtail their movements during lecture hours.
  5. It is safer to remain in school than moving in and out of school aimlessly.


L          The Chapel is the centre of the Seminary life. Therefore, it is compulsory for all full students to attend chapel daily (in the Morning, Afternoon and Evening).

  1. A Postulants can absent himself only after due clearance from the Chaplain.
  2. Time of Worship applies to all who are resident. Any deviation requires Permission from the Dean.
  3. Late coming will be viewed seriously.
  4. The books for Worship are: (1) The Holy Bible (2) The Book of Common Prayer of the Church of Nigeria or any other approved by the Seminary and The Hymns shall be selected from Church Hymnals.
  5. The Daily office has to be said at 6:00a.m. and 6.30p.m. Saints' Days are observed at 6.30p.m with the Holy Eucharist for full time postulants.
  6. Bible Study takes place every Monday between 8.00 and 10.O0a.m
  7. Every student shall make manifest efforts to grow in spirituality.

The library is our centre of research and efforts are being made to fully equip the library. Postulants are expected to observe rules governing the use of the Library from time to time.

  2. New intakes will not be sent to Parishes in their first semester
  3. Postulants are sent to Parishes to acquire experiences. They are not expected to make themselves beggars. Any student who does this will face severe disciplinary action.

iii.        Each student will be assessed based on reports from the Parish on conduct, participation in worship and other Parish programmes.


This is carried out once a year. It is compulsory for all final year students. It includes one week of practical work in hospitals, prisons and other relevant institutions.


It is compulsory for all final year students. The citizenship and Leadership training is arranged yearly for final year students to expose them to community and leadership development training before graduation. It takes place between the second and fourth weeks of April.